Education Cell

The Medical Library
The educational activities of the Sevashram are confined mainly to the maintenance of a Medical Library, running of the Vivekananda Polyclinic School of Nursing, Vivekananda College of Nursing and also helping the poor and meritorious students in their pursuit of learning by giving them small stipends from within the limited resources of the Sevashram. The Medical Council of India has recognized Vivekananda Polyclinic for the Training of House Officers.

DNB Course
Post graduate DNB courses in several disciplines viz. Medicine, Surgery, Peadiatrics, Aneasthesia, Family Medicine, Neuro Surgery, Orthopedics, Obs. & Gynae., affiliated to NBE( National Board of Examinations) and recognized by Medical Council of India. Sanction to start DNB Courses in Pathology and Plastic Surgery this year has been received.
An Annual Medical Bulletin, which includes specific cases, is a regular feature, which provides valuable academic insights to professionals.

Post Graduate Programme
AKN Sinha Institute of continuing Medical Education under Indian Medical Association (HQ), New Delhi, in December 2004, approved Vivekananda Polyclinic, Lucknow to train Medical Technology (Laboratory) and Medical Radiology (X-ray and Imaging) students. These two courses are of one and a half year’s duration followed by six months internship.
The students pursuing Post Graduate Programme in Hospital & Health Care Administration, conducted by the Department of Public Administration, Lucknow University are undergoing Hospital training as the part of their curriculum.
The Medical Education Cell generally remains open on week days from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and closed on Sundays and declared holidays.